IV sedation is also called intravenous sedation. This involves administering the sedative directly into your bloodstream. IV sedation has the benefit of taking effect very quickly and being extremely effective. You will become extremely relaxed during your appointment, but you will remain conscious and will be able to receive instructions or communicate with our dentist and team if you need to. You may feel as if you slept through your visit. IV sedation is extremely safe, and our team will monitor you throughout your appointment to avoid any complications. You will need a friend or family member to drive you home after your visit, and it is a good idea to have that person stay with you until the effects wear off.

Our dentist may recommend this option if you are having a lengthy or complicated treatment or if you suffer from severe dental anxiety. Before that decision is made, you will need to meet with our dentist to discuss your treatment and your medical history to make sure that IV sedation is right for you.

If you would like to learn more about IV sedation, please contact our office today. We look forward to serving you and your smile!